
~Every diary needs a cast list so that those of you who are actually inrigued enough to discover who all of these people are can keep up with the names a little better.~

*The Men*

Mr. DJ: A long running 8 month booty call met through the club (as if the nickname wasnt clue enough. Here's to origionality folks).
Mr. Freeze: A newer booty call that has definate longevity possibilities. A classic case of good friend leads to drunken erotic conversation which then leads to drunken sex thats surprisingly good and said friend decides to come back for seconds and thirds on many occassions.
Mr. WM: A friend of a friend that I've recently started spending time with.
Mr. Navy: Someone that I got involved with that dissappeared after some drama ensued. He's made a recent reappearance but that doesnt really mean anything.
Mr. Best Friend: The once a month hide and seek booty call. One of those that you should have never gotten involved with but yet you cant force yourself to not answer the phone anyway friends.
Mr. Ex: My last relationship that crashed and burned. Normally I wouldnt even bother to mention ex boyfriends, but alas he is the one that snuck in under the radar and stole my heart mind body and soul. One of those eternal haunts that you never truly let go of despite the new relationships and passing of time.
*The Friends*

Mrs. Iraq (H): One of my best friends. Her husband is overseas and we have seriously attached to eachother. We enjoy daily lunches at a local mexican food restaraunt and have an amazing friendship. We've had our share of problems that we have had to work through, (such as me throwing a full margarita at her head for sleeping with my best friend. And she just laid me on the bed and cleaned up all of the glass) and been through our share of bonding experiences (such as her watching me have sex with her boss and various others.)
Mrs. Barfly: A much older close friend of mine. She spent years waiting on me to turn 18 so that I could barhop with her and now we go on a weekly prowl for cowboys at the local redneck bar.
Mr. Jitterbug: A good friend of mine that I spent a lot of time with for a while. He took me under his wing after my breakup and taught me to twirl my problems away on the dancefloor. He has since moved away but still drives in almost every week to twirl me around the floor. (yet another example of my ingenious nickname abilities)
Mrs. Gossip: A close friend of mine and one of the main mutual links to Mr. Ex.
*The Family*
The parents: My lesbian mother and her wife. They have been together roughly 6 years and together they have my wonderful brother and lots of good times.
The Little Man: My wonderful little brother. Born 2 months premature in march of '04 he is now a year and a half old and running us all around.

(still under construction so bear with me.)


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Name: Ann-Marie
Nickname: Dunkin
Birthday: October 6th
Status: Single with booty calls
Occupation: Full time english major
Hosted by Diaryland Designed by Ann-Marie