
I managed to motivate myself to clean the house today which makes me feel much better knowing that it wasnt a total waste and I did manage to accomplish something.

I dont know if the lack of sleep over the past few days if finally catching up to me or what, but I managed to get in bed at about 3:00 this morning and slept until 1:30 this afternoon, so I shouldnt be sleepy but I've felt like I could lay down and take a nap all day long.

After I cleaned the house I went out to dinner with Mrs. Iraq and then headed up to the bar. Apparently Mr. DJ is a little pissy that I talked him into letting mrs. Iraq in the bar because he was being a huge jerk. Thus is our relationship, i use my I screw the manager perks to get my way and he makes me pay for them by being an asshole to me in front of a group of people because he knows that I wont actually say the comments that are running in my head out loud because I dont want the entire club knowing our business.

I was planning on staying a bit longer but I spilt a glass of dr. pepper on my lap which weaighed heavily on my decision to go ahead and go home to take a warm bath and play some more finding nemo on the playstation.

Came home to a hot bath and a long chat with Mr. Freeze while he worked out of town. We've made tentative plans to meet up tomorrow night but I'm not sure how that is going to work out because he doesnt know what time he will get off and what time he has to be back at work at the out of town site. Thus is the life of trying to plan sex around a bootycall's work schedule. At least we got to talk for a while though.

I should really be in bed considering my 8 a.m. class looms ahead in a few hours and I'm about to drop dead. I had plans on seeing mr. dj but after the words exchanged tonight I doubt that he calls, i'm actually so irritated that even is he does I might reject the call... in all honesty the sex is amazing and our mad sex is even better so I'll probably answer and just tell him that he is a jackass like I normally do...

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Name: Ann-Marie
Nickname: Dunkin
Birthday: October 6th
Status: Single with booty calls
Occupation: Full time english major
Hosted by Diaryland Designed by Ann-Marie