
As expected the playdate with mr. freeze fell through last night. I got tired of waiting around so I grabbed a shower and slid into bed about 12:15. His ringtone wakes me up around 2 a.m. which sucked but at least he saved a little face.

Mr. Freeze: Hey girl I'm sorry that I didnt make it tonight. I laid down with the boys at 8 and wanted to wake up at 10 but the next thing i knew it was 1 and now I have to haul ass to **other job**.
Me: So whats our new plan?
Mr. Freeze: I'm going to come by your place on my way back into town when I get off if they dont make me work overtime.

Ehh, at least he called I guess. I havent seen him since like 4 a.m. on thursday so I'm going through mild withrdawls. We only saw eachother once last week when I'm used to seeing him at least 2 or 3 times while he's at work.

And of course later on this evening I got a phone call from him saying that they'd asked him to work overtime to cover the shift that someone didnt come on for. So yet again I thought that he was coming but he isnt going to end up showing up. He did save face and talk to me for an hour while he was waiting on the overtime job to start.

mr. freeze: I'm going to make up for it, i know that it seems like i'm blowing you off but I promise thats not how it is. I'm trying to get some jobs set up in Houston next week and if I can I'll spend the night down there and you can come in on Monday night and I'll get us a hotel room.

I'm sure that this is yet another dream that wont be realized but it is indeed a nice thought. We've only spent the night together once and that was glorious so maybe we can manage to work something out. He rarely tells me that he's going to do something and falls through on it, and I'm trying to remember that and the fact that he's working a thousand hours this week trying to catch up on some bills...

Why do I care anyway? In my head I keep saying "He's just good sex and you have the bonus of having a good friendship as a foundation". So why do I want to see him so bad and why are we suddenly saying things like "you can stop by sometime this week while i'm at work even though we cant have sex"...

I keep telling myself that this isnt me forming an emotional attachment at all, its simply 2 weeks with lack of sex that has me all twisted off inside.

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Name: Ann-Marie
Nickname: Dunkin
Birthday: October 6th
Status: Single with booty calls
Occupation: Full time english major
Hosted by Diaryland Designed by Ann-Marie